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Fun Fact 1

The chorus to Kagutsuchi is written entirely in haikus.


A haiku is a traditional Japanese poem that adheres to a specific three-line seventeen-syllable format. The first line has 5 syllables, the second has 7 syllables, and the third has 5 syllables. The clean vocals and screaming vocals rotate between haikus giving comprising the chorus of 4 haikus total.

Enclosed in fire

I’ll fight to take this beast’s life

Forged by desire 


[I’ll restore my pride]

[I will not end in failure]

[My purpose revived]


Inside this mire

One life ends, another born

A light transpired


[I’ll face my demons]

[While I fight in the shadows]

[An end to madness]

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Fun Fact 2

The intro to Takamagahara was written in 2018 - 2 years before the band knew they were going to write a Samurai-influenced album and 5 years before the album's release.

The intro was originally written as a fun project by Kyle called "The Dragon's Spirit" after playing around with some different instruments in Logic Pro.

Fun Fact 3

Kagutsuchi is canonically supposed to be dead in Japanese folklore. In the Koronus universe, he stands alive and well as the ruler of Takamagahara (at least at first).

In Japanese mythology, Kagutsuchi burned his mother Izanami causing her death. His father Izanagi beheaded Kagutsuchi with his sword in his grief. He cut Kagutsuchi's body into eight pieces which became eight volcanoes. His corpse also created numerous deities, as well. His birth comes at the end of the creation of the world and marks the beginning of death


Fun Fact 4

The Mortal Blade was inspired by the Mortal Blade from the popular game Sekiro. The power of the mortal blade in the game is to sever immortality from certain creatures. The power of the mortal blade in the Koronus universe, however, is to become a weapon of mass destruction but sever the mortality from yourself.

Fun Fact 5

Realm of fire was the first song officially written for the album by Vishnu. The intro riff inspired the atmosphere and mood for the rest of the album. 

The riff he created had many elements from the video game soundtrack to DOOM written by Mick Gordon. By including these elements, a djenty, gigantic-sounding atmosphere was created as a powerful force to drive the album forward.

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Fun Fact 6

The whispers before the breakdown of "The Vessel" are the same lyrics as the whispers in Betrayed and Mortal Blade. This is showing that the Mortal Blade is using the sentinel's previous memories of anger and hatred to control his mind and his actions.

Fun Fact 7

The members of Embracing the Enemy helped record the chants on Dethroned, The Rift, Realm of Fire, The Vessel, and Enthroned during a band vacation.

Thank you to Rohan, Lake, and Badge for your help with these chants!

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Fun Fact 8

The chorus for realm of fire was written 3 different times. For the first two times, Kyle would write all layers, complete the final vocals, then decide they did not work well, and start the entire vocal process from scratch. 

Fun Fact 9

The Rift itself is powered by the same primordial fragment that the monolith was powered by in Eye of the Monolith. Without spoiling too much from our next album, the powers behind the monolith and the mortal blade are related!


Stay tuned for the next album to learn more about the connection!

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